Boarding Patrol: Chaos Daemons
A force of Khornate daemons, ready to sow mayhem and spill blood as they rampage through the enemy vessel. This set includes:
1x Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance
10x Flesh Hounds
10x Bloodletters
All of these models can be used in Boarding Action, and can also be used in Age of Sigmar as part of a Blades of Khorne army.
A force of Khornate daemons, ready to sow mayhem and spill blood as they rampage through the enemy vessel. This set includes:
1x Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance
10x Flesh Hounds
10x Bloodletters
All of these models can be used in Boarding Action, and can also be used in Age of Sigmar as part of a Blades of Khorne army.
A force of Khornate daemons, ready to sow mayhem and spill blood as they rampage through the enemy vessel. This set includes:
1x Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance
10x Flesh Hounds
10x Bloodletters
All of these models can be used in Boarding Action, and can also be used in Age of Sigmar as part of a Blades of Khorne army.