Warhammer: The Old World Empire of Man Helblaster Volley Gun & Helstorm Rocket Battery
Shower the enemy with powerful artillery! The Helstorm Rocket Battery is like sending a bunch of fireworks directly into the enemy where as the Helblaster Volley Gun will send black powder weapons off.
This kit builds 8 models - assembly is required.
Shower the enemy with powerful artillery! The Helstorm Rocket Battery is like sending a bunch of fireworks directly into the enemy where as the Helblaster Volley Gun will send black powder weapons off.
This kit builds 8 models - assembly is required.
Shower the enemy with powerful artillery! The Helstorm Rocket Battery is like sending a bunch of fireworks directly into the enemy where as the Helblaster Volley Gun will send black powder weapons off.
This kit builds 8 models - assembly is required.